Dont keep credit "score". Just win.

Credit Cards are corrupt, confusing, and designed to make you lose. Even if you're smart enough to stay away, you get punished with a poor or nonexistent credit score. You have been responsible, saved, and worked hard, yet that score will prevent you from buying a home, a new car, or even signing a lease on an apartment. Its simply not fair.

CRED CARD is designed to fix that broken system. You simply spend just like you do now, never accumulate debt, never pay interest, but start building your credit just like if you were actively using a traditional credit card.



You decide your spending limits, and therefore build credit on your own terms.


The complexities that allow CRED CARDS to work their magic are automated, allowing you to shop and spend just like you do now.


No guessing, mysteries, or worrying about issues of timing or schedule.


Earn points, gifts, and cash back just like traditional credit cards.


Shop anywhere, at your own pace, at your own limits. CRED is accepted everywhere.

Client Support

The CRED team is there for you 24/7 to help. We also offer planning and strategic advice. We only suceed when you suceed.

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